4 min read

#INBOUND24: AI in Marketing, Pilot or Copilot? (Debate Recap)

Hey, you. Yeah, you, the marketer staring at the endless stream of AI tools flooding your inbox, wondering, “Is AI really going to help, or is it just more noise?” You’ve probably asked yourself, “Do I let AI take the wheel, or should it just assist me in getting where I need to go?”

That’s what we’re all here to figure out—whether we’re the pilots of this AI revolution or if AI should sit right beside us as our co-pilot, helping us navigate these turbulent marketing skies.

But let’s take a step back.

Why are we even having this conversation about AI?

If you’re like most marketers, you’re probably feeling the pressure. Marketing is evolving faster than ever, and AI is smack-dab in the middle of this shift. You know it can boost efficiency, but the question is, to what extent? And more importantly, where do we, the human marketers, fit into all of this?


Last week at #INBOUND24, my dear friend Doug Davidoff (a sales enablement and revenue wizard) hosted a debate, where I got the chance to dig deep into this very topic with Dale Bertrand and, of course, Doug himself. What started with a casual question about chocolate chip cookies quickly escalated into a conversation about empathy, efficiency, and what AI’s role should really be in our day-to-day work.

In this article, I’ll break down some of the key takeaways from that conversation and explore how you can start thinking about AI as either your pilot or co-pilot:

  1. AI is great at repetitive tasks, but it can’t replace your human empathy.
  2. Co-pilot AI can make you a better marketer—if you use it right.
  3. Don’t be afraid to tinker—AI is a tool you should play with.
  4. Curiosity will keep you ahead of the AI curve.
  5. Use AI for research, but let your humanity shine through the results.
  6. Empathy in marketing still belongs to us, the humans.
  7. Get ready for AI now—you don’t have time to wait.

So buckle up, because by the end of this, you’ll know exactly where you stand in the AI pilot vs. co-pilot debate.

AI Can Handle the Repetitive, But It Can’t Replace Your Human Empathy

Let’s be real. There’s no shortage of tools that claim to “automate” your marketing. From generating headlines to crafting email subject lines, AI has become a helpful tool in taking care of the mundane. But here’s the kicker: AI can’t feel, and it can’t understand your audience like you do.

As Dale Bertrand put it during our debate, AI might be able to “synthesize empathy,” but true, genuine empathy—understanding your audience on a deep, human level—is something only we can bring to the table. I loved Dale’s analogy of baking cookies with his daughters.

🚀 Go Deeper: Get My Human-Powered, AI-Assisted #INBOUND24 Content Toolkit

Sure, AI might follow a recipe to perfection, but when it comes to making those cookies for people you love? That’s where the magic happens, and it’s something only humans can do.

Co-Pilot AI: The Assistant You Didn’t Know You Needed

Here’s where things get interesting. I’ve always been a firm believer that AI should assist, not take over. To use another analogy from our debate, think of AI as the co-pilot on your flight. You’re the one in control, but AI can help you avoid turbulence by providing insights, catching mistakes, or suggesting things you may not have thought of.

One of my favorite personal examples? Giovanni, my virtual assistant. Whenever I’m writing something or planning a campaign, I’ll ask Giovanni, “What am I missing?” or “What else should I be thinking about?” AI helps me be more thorough, more efficient, and ultimately, a better marketer. But I’m always the one steering the plane.

Play with AI, Don’t Be Afraid to Get Your Hands Dirty

One of the best pieces of advice I can give you is this: Don’t treat AI like work—treat it like play. In our debate, Doug mentioned something that really stuck with me: “We need to be ready for AI,” but more importantly, we need to tinker with it, experiment, and get creative.

🚀 Go Deeper: Liz's Human-Powered, AI-Assisted Inbound Content Framework

AI isn’t perfect. It’s going to spit out some ugly drafts, and that’s okay. But the more you mess around with it, the better you’ll get at understanding its strengths and weaknesses. My advice? Set aside time every week to just play with AI. Throw some old campaigns or job descriptions at it and see what happens. You’ll be surprised by how much you learn just by experimenting.

Stay Curious, Curiosity, Is Your Secret Weapon

One of Dale’s strongest points during the debate was the importance of curiosity. The AI revolution isn’t just about the tools; it’s about understanding how those tools can change your workflow, your campaigns, and your relationship with your audience.

Stay curious, keep asking questions, and most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask, “What if?”

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the pace of change, but curiosity is what’s going to keep you ahead of the game. Whether it’s trying out new tools, attending industry events, or talking to your colleagues about what they’re using, curiosity is your key to staying competitive in this AI-driven marketing landscape.

AI Is a Research Partner, But Don’t Forget Your Voice

Another game-changer I’ve discovered is how good AI can be at research. Whether you’re developing a new strategy or just trying to find the latest trends, AI can help sift through the noise and deliver valuable insights. But, and this is a big “but,” the final output still needs your personal touch.

🚀 Go Deeper: Get My Human-Powered, AI-Assisted #INBOUND24 Content Toolkit

AI can give you the bones of an article, campaign, or strategy, but it’s up to you to inject your personality and your voice into the final product. That’s where the human touch really comes in. As I said in the debate, “AI is the co-pilot; you’re still the one flying the plane.”

The Bottom Line: You Don’t Have Time to Wait

Doug mentioned something during the debate that struck a nerve: Do we really have time to wait? The answer is no. If you’re not playing with AI now, you’re already behind. The marketing world is moving fast, and if you’re not using AI to assist and accelerate your work, you’re going to get left in the dust .

So what’s the takeaway? Start small, play around, and see how AI can fit into your workflow. The future of marketing isn’t about replacing us with robots; it’s about working alongside AI to be better, faster, and more human in everything we do.