• 12-Week Intensive Training •

HubSpot Super Admin Training

Become the Inbound Jedi and HubSpot Admin your organization needs to increase operational efficiency and ROI radically. 

Is HubSpot Super Admin Training for You?

We Built This Program For You If...

... you're ready to discover the HubSpot and inbound secrets that can change the course of your organization's future, as well as your own. Of course, this training is open to all humans, but our HubSpot Admin students often fall into one of two categories.

Custom Dashboards-2

Business Leaders Who Want to Empower Your HubSpot Specialists

You're a business leader who understands how powerful of a win-win HubSpot Super Admin Training can be. Not only will your business win with increased efficiency and better results, you'll also improve employee retention by investing in their success and development.

HubSpot Super Admin Impact

HubSpot Super Admins Who Are Hungry to Make a Real Impact

You've got the raw talent, drive, and base skills to bring your organization's vision for HubSpot and inbound to life. But you know you're capable of so much more. With intensive training and dedicated experts in your corner (that's us!) radically shorten your runway to success.

Next Session Starts: September 27th, 2024

Fridays at 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM

Why Most Teams Fail with HubSpot

Even with the best of intentions and organizational buy-in, many teams fail to realize their growth potential with HubSpot. Here's why... 

Become a HubSpot Super Admin Legend in 12 Weeks

We're just the sidekicks to your HubSpot success story.

Transform Your Business with HubSpot Mastery

HubSpot Is So Much More Than a Tool

For organizations that excel at driving results and increasing productivity with inbound, HubSpot is the beating heart of everything they do, bringing all else around it — marketing, sales, service, ops — alive. As your company's HubSpot Super Admin, you play a crucial role as both an expert and a steward of your company's inbound success.

Our specialized 12-week training program is crafted for business leaders, marketing professionals, sales teams, and operations staff. But this journey is so much more than a learning experience. It's a hands-on, intensive expedition designed to arm you with the skills and strategic know-how to confidently manage HubSpot's robust capabilities, optimize your processes, and make smarter data-driven decisions faster.

Transform Your Business with HubSpot Mastery
Embrace the Challenge Simplify the Complex

Embrace the Challenge, Simplify the Complex with HubSpot

Grab a Snack and a Backpack

Picture HubSpot as a vast, uncharted territory never before touched by modern civilization. It's rich and filled with treasures ... but also traps. It's a land ripe with potential, but navigating it? That's where the challenge lies. You see, as powerful as HubSpot can be, professionals across business, marketing, sales, and operations sectors can struggle to intuitively to understand HubSpot integrations, maintain data accuracy, and ensure consistent use of its features across teams. At first, these challenges can seem overwhelming. 

But together, we can accomplish so much. From the tangled webs of integration to the high seas of data management, and the vast plains of team adoption, we'll navigate these together. It's about simplifying the complex, turning each obstacle into a stepping stone towards mastery.

You're Not Alone in Your HubSpot Journey

We're the Sidekicks You Need

Like the heroes who have come before you — Frodo and Luke Skywalker — all you need is your own Gandalf, your own Obi-Wan. And that's us. We're the sidekicks you've been looking for. We've walked this path many times before, with inbound champions-in-training just like you. We're your lighthouse amidst the stormy seas of HubSpot's attract, engage, and delight flywheel. Our 12-week program isn't just a series of lessons; it's a carefully charted course designed by those who've achieved success before, but also know where the pitfalls lie. We're here to pass on the knowledge, the insights, and the secrets that can only come from decades of collective HubSpot and inbound experience.

Not Alone in Your HubSpot Journey
Now Is Your Time Take the Leap

Now Is Your Time, Take the Leap

HubSpot Greatness Awaits

You're on the edge of something new. Something great. You can feel the wind on your face, and your heart is pounding in your chest. You know this is your chance to stand out. This is your chance to lead. This is your chance to leave an undeniable impact on your organization, so your organization make an indelible mark on the world. This is your first step toward mastery, elevating your career, and securing your organization's future success with HubSpot.

Inaction is not a choice, because the world will keep on moving without you. There is good news, though. All you need to do is take this first step — and we are here with you every step of the way, giving you the confidence and knowledge you need to win.

HubSpot Super Admin Training Starts September 27th at 10:00 AM Eastern!









HubSpot Ninjas Like You Go by Many Names

HubSpot Super Admin, Inbound Specialist, HubSpot and Inbound Strategist, Inbound Marketing Manager, HubSpot Coordinator ... it doesn't matter your title. If your company has entrusted you with HubSpot, we know how much potential (and responsibility) rests on your shoulders. We're here to give you the hand-up you need to become the HubSpot Superhero you were always destined to be.

HubSpot Ninjas Like You Go by Many Names

HubSpot Super Admin Training Agenda

Every step of your 12-week administrator journey with Sidekick Strategies.

🧠 Week 1 + 10 AM + ⏱️90 Minutes 

Super Admin Training Kickoff: Mastering HubSpot Foundations

  1. Continuous Learning and Improvement Mindset: Stay sharp with HubSpot's latest features. Embrace continuous learning to boost your CRM skills and grow professionally by staying updated with new features, certifications, and industry insights.

  2. Proactive and Problem-Solving Mindset: Stay ahead of the curve. Anticipate and address potential issues before they arise to boost efficiency and empower your team. Transform challenges into opportunities to make your HubSpot environment more robust.

  3. Data Mastery Mindset: Drive smarter decisions. Maintain clean, reliable data to enhance user adoption and unlock powerful insights. Use data as a dynamic asset to support and drive business decisions.

  4. HubSpot Foundations: Understand HubSpot's default objects. Learn how Contacts, Companies, Deals, and other default objects form the backbone of your CRM, and how to leverage them for better data management and accessibility.

🗑️ Week 2 + 10 AM + ⏱️90 Minutes 

Super Admin Training: Data Hygiene and Tool Audits

  1. Data Hygiene Tools Audit: Conduct a thorough tools audit to ensure lists, views, snippets, templates, forms, CTAs, workflows, playbooks, chatflows, reports, and dashboards are up-to-date and relevant. This audit will streamline your HubSpot environment for optimal performance.

  2. Property Audit: Conduct regular property audits. Ensure your data is accurate, complete, and reliable by reviewing and standardizing properties. This process is crucial for maintaining data integrity and operational efficiency.

  3. Creating Data Hygiene Lists: Organize your data. Build specific lists to categorize marketing contacts, engagement, non-fits, and unknowns. This structured approach simplifies data management and enhances the usability of your CRM.

  4. Standardizing Your Data: Ensure consistency in your data by standardizing names, email addresses, phone numbers, and zip codes and removing unnecessary whitespaces. Standardized data improves accuracy, efficiency, and professionalism.

⚔️ Week 3 + 10 AM + ⏱️90 Minutes 

Super Admin Training: Personalization, Segmentation, and Continuous Optimization

  1. Personalized and Relevant Engagement: Tailor your communications to match each contact's unique preferences, behaviors, and needs. Personalized engagement leads to higher open rates, better click-through rates, more conversions, and deeper trust and loyalty. This approach helps marketing, sales, and service teams deliver the right message to the right person at the right time.

  2. Segmentation Strategies: Implement smart segmentation to send the right message to the right person at the right time. Segment your database by persona, lifecycle stage, engagement level, industry, company size, and deal stage. This strategic approach enhances marketing and sales efforts, builds stronger customer relationships, and drives revenue.

  3. SMART Content: Leverage SMART content to deliver personalized experiences based on user behavior, location, and buyer’s journey stage. Use SMART content in emails and on website pages to increase engagement and conversion rates. This approach provides targeted content that resonates with your audience.

  4. Continuous Optimization and Adaptation: Regularly review and update your CRM practices to ensure they align with changing business landscapes, customer preferences, and emerging technologies. This mindset improves campaign effectiveness, sales processes, and customer support, ensuring your CRM remains a powerful tool that evolves with your business.

🎯 Week 4 + 10 AM + ⏱️90 Minutes 

Super Admin Training: Sales, Ticket, and Custom Object Pipelines

  1. Single vs. Multiple Pipelines: Determine whether a single or multiple pipelines suit your business needs. Single pipelines are ideal for straightforward sales processes, while multiple pipelines cater to diverse products, different sales processes, and complex sales organizations.

  2. Optimized Sales Pipeline Creation: Build an optimized sales pipeline by defining each stage clearly, focusing on key milestones, incorporating feedback, implementing mandatory properties, regularly reviewing the pipeline, including lifecycle stages, and utilizing automation tools.

  3. Pipeline Approvals: Set up and test the new approval process in your sales pipelines to ensure compliance and proper data capture. This feature requires deals to be reviewed and approved before progressing, adding an essential layer of quality control.

  4. Custom Object Pipelines: Leverage custom object pipelines for unique business processes. These pipelines offer customization, efficiency, integration, and automation, but be aware of potential complexities and the need for thorough training and regular reviews.

📈 Week 5 + 10 AM + ⏱️90 Minutes 

Super Admin Training: Enhancing Marketing Strategies with HubSpot

  1. Optimizing Content: Develop comprehensive pillar pages, optimize your content for SEO, and promote your content effectively. Regularly update and analyze your content to maintain its relevance and performance.

  2. Improving Conversions: Leverage optimized forms and smart fields to boost conversions. Use queued fields to gather essential audience information progressively and ask second smart questions for more detailed insights.

  3. Implementing Self-Attribution: Capture how buyers discover your business by implementing self-attribution fields in your forms. Create and customize attribution categories for better segmentation and reporting.

  4. Content Strategy and SEO: Enhance your content strategy by using topics, clusters, and pillar pages to drive organic traffic. Utilize HubSpot’s SEO recommendations and integrate Google Search Console for improved search rankings and user experience.

⚙️ Week 6 + 10 AM + ⏱️90 Minutes 

Mastering HubSpot Automation for Business Efficiency & Insight

  1. Workflow Automation Overview: Discover the power of HubSpot workflows for automating tasks and boosting productivity.

  2. Automation Essentials: Configure HubSpot for automated, hands-off processes with automatic settings, leverage AI-driven insights with augmented tools, and streamline repetitive tasks with automated processes.

  3. Advanced Workflow Features: Explore new workflow actions to automate association management, monitor and optimize workflows using the Workflow Health Tab, and create time-saving workflow triggers with AI-generated triggers.

  4. Best Practices for Effective Automation: Define clear goals and exit criteria to ensure purposeful workflows and conclude appropriately. Keep workflows simple to avoid unnecessary complexity and reduce errors. Utilize the If/Then branches to enhance personalization and relevance. Set appropriate delays to prevent overwhelming contacts and ensure smooth communication. Regularly test workflows to ensure functionality and effectiveness.

💵 Week 7 + 10 AM + ⏱️90 Minutes 

Maximizing Commerce Hub: Understanding and Driving B2B/B2C Commerce Growth

  1. Understanding B2B Commerce: Focus on large order volumes, longer sales cycles, and building long-term relationships. Adapt to the shift towards self-service, with buyers conducting extensive research before contacting sales. Build trust through customer reviews and testimonials.

  2. B2B Commerce Mindsets: Empower customers with self-service options and ensure tools are intuitive and user-friendly. Maintain a consistent customer experience across all touchpoints, and regularly collect and act on feedback for improvement.

  3. Why Choose HubSpot for B2B Commerce: Leverage seamless integration with other tools to synchronize data and provide a unified view of customer interactions. Benefit from HubSpot’s user-friendly interface. Real-world examples show increased order processing efficiency and higher lead conversion rates.

  4. Best Strategies and Practices: Maintain consistent data management by keeping information accurate and up-to-date. Regularly review and update settings to align processes with current business needs. Enhance efficiency with automation for invoicing, payment reminders, and post-purchase processes. Improve customer experience with detailed product information, seamless transactions, and personalized communication.

📊 Week 8 + 10 AM + ⏱️90 Minutes 

Decoding Data: Unlocking Advanced Reporting and Analytics in HubSpot

  1. Reporting Mindsets & Foundations: Define clear objectives for what you need to know and why. Focus on customer journeys and behaviors. Plan ahead to identify and present necessary data. Pay attention to dimensions, measures, filters, and visualization. Share insights for team alignment and data-driven decisions. Align reports with business goals. Treat reporting as an ongoing process, iterating for relevance and value.

  2. HubSpot Reporting Mistakes: Avoid pitfalls like misunderstanding report types, selecting incorrect properties, forgetting date filters, and using filters incorrectly. Customize display options to avoid data overload. Gradually introduce custom report building, starting with pre-built reports. Leverage advanced reporting features for deeper insights. Ensure comprehensive training and encourage collaboration to enhance reporting capabilities within your team.

  3. HubSpot Custom Report Builder: Understand dimensions and measures for effective data visualization. Place dimensions on the X axis and measures on the Y axis for clear reports. Follow a structured reporting framework: integrate, clean, and manage data; summarize into information; analyze for insights; use insights for decisions; and iterate for improvement.

  4. Marketing Attribution and Attribution Models: Understand the impact of marketing efforts on goals with attribution models. Explore models like Linear, First-Touch, Last-Touch, Time-Decay, U-Shaped, and W-Shaped. Learn to create Contact Create, Deal Create, and Revenue Attribution Reports in HubSpot.




💻 Week 9 + 10 AM + ⏱️90 Minutes 

Elevating Your Online Presence: Using HubSpot's CMS for Cutting-Edge User Experiences

  1. CMS Overview and Best Practices: Building and managing a website in HubSpot.

  2. SEO Optimization: Strategies for improving search visibility.

  3. User Experience (UX) Principles: Crafting intuitive sites that convert visitors to leads.

  4. Website Performance Analysis: Utilizing analytics to refine web strategies.

🧭 Week 10 + 10 AM + ⏱️90 Minutes 

HubSpot SEO & Content Strategy: Crafting High-Impact Brand Storytelling That Sells

  1. SEO Strategy in HubSpot: Keyword research, on-page SEO, and technical SEO.

  2. Content Planning and Execution: Aligning content with SEO and business goals.

  3. Blogging for Success: Leveraging HubSpot’s blog tool for SEO and engagement.

  4. Measuring SEO Success: Tools and metrics for tracking SEO performance.

🏆 Week 11 + 10 AM + ⏱️90 Minutes 

Fortifying Your Digital Fortress: Mastering Security Practices in HubSpot

  1. HubSpot’s Security Overview: Understanding built-in security features.

  2. User Access Management: Best practices for roles and permissions.

  3. Compliance and Regulations: Navigating GDPR, CCPA, and other regulations.

  4. Security Monitoring and Response: Setting up alerts and planning for incidents.

🤓 Week 12 + 10 AM + ⏱️90 Minutes 

Extending HubSpot: Navigating the Marketplace & Integrations for Enhanced Functionality

  1. Exploring the HubSpot Marketplace: Identifying valuable add-ons and integrations.

  2. Successful Integration Implementation: Steps for adding and configuring new tools.

  3. Custom Integration Possibilities: When and how to pursue custom solutions.

  4. Maximizing Platform Potential: Leveraging integrations for business growth.

HubSpot Super Admin Training Pricing

Are you ready to invest in your future? Your HubSpot success story is waiting to be written.

Get Started

Super Admin Training


Per HubSpot Human (One-Time)

  • Access to all 12 weeks of 90-minute live trainings, as well as on-demand recordings
  • Exclusive HubSpot and inbound resources including templates, tools, checklists, and more.
  • Extended support from the Sidekick team for one-on-one questions and feedback.
  • Real-world practice sessions and labs to improve immediate application opportunities.

👉 Includes a 2-week money-back guarantee.

Most Popular

Admin Training + Mastermind


Per HubSpot Human (One-Time)

  • Access to all 12 weeks of 90-minute live trainings, as well as on-demand recordings
  • Exclusive HubSpot and inbound resources including templates, tools, checklists, and more, as well as support from the Sidekick team for questions and feedback.
  • Real-world practice sessions and labs.
  • Three (3) additional interactive mastermind sessions with peers and in-house Sidekick Strategies experts to discuss challenges, questions, and feedback.

👉 Includes a 2-week money-back guarantee.

Have questions before signing up?

Let's have a quick chat. 


The Money-Back Guarantee

The HubSpot Super Admin Training program emphasizes customer satisfaction and risk mitigation by offering a two-week money-back guarantee. This guarantee allows participants to confidently enroll in the 12-week course, knowing they can receive a full refund if the program does not meet their expectations within the first two weeks.

The training is designed to be transformative, providing participants with the skills and knowledge to excel in using HubSpot and contribute to their organization's success.

The refund policy is a testament to the program's quality and Sidekick Strategies' commitment to ensuring participants find the course valuable and suited to their learning journey. Participants are encouraged to engage fully in the early stages of the course, with the assurance that their investment is secure and their satisfaction is a top priority.