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The Superhuman Framework: Cultivating Happiness + Why It Matters (Especially at Work)

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The Superhuman Framework: Cultivating Happiness + Why It Matters

I'm back with yet another powerful conversation with my buddy, Chris Carolan, about The Superhuman Framework. Today, we’re diving into something that’s foundational to everything—happiness. Now, before you roll your eyes and think, “George, really? We're talking about something as simple and cheesy as happiness," stick with me because we’re not talking about the Instagram version of happiness or chasing momentary highs.

Nope. We’re getting real about the kind of happiness that fuels every part of your life—from your work to your relationships, and most importantly, to your sense of purpose.

☝️ Watch our entire conversation! ☝️

Happiness isn’t some distant finish line that's impossible to reach without significant pain or sacrifice. It’s something you can cultivate daily, and trust me when I say it’s not about having the biggest paycheck or the most perfect Instagram feed. It’s about building a life that genuinely excites you, makes you feel whole, and gives you the resilience to push through the tough stuff.

☀️ Go Deeper: What Is The Superhuman Framework?

Let’s explore what real happiness is, why it’s so critical, and how it can become a real asset in both your personal and professional life.

What Is Happiness, Really?

OK, let's do a bit of level-setting here. First, when we are talking about "happiness," what exactly does that mean? Well, I’m not talking about that fleeting feeling you get when you snag the latest gadget or binge-watch your favorite Marvel series. That’s fun, but it’s not lasting.

True happiness isn’t about chasing those quick fixes. It’s about cultivating a lasting sense of well-being that impacts every area of your life.

☀️ Go Deeper: Check Out the Beyond Your Default Podcast for Personal Growth

When I talk about happiness, I think about things like:

  • Purpose: Do you wake up each day feeling like your life has meaning? Do you know what drives you—e.g., your "why" or your "because"?

  • Work-life balance: Are you finding time for the things that matter outside of work? Because burnout is real, and balance is key to happiness.

  • Gratitude: Are you focused on what you have, or are you always chasing what you don’t? Shifting your mindset to one of gratitude changes the game.

  • Community and Connection: Do you feel like you’re part of something bigger than yourself? That’s where true joy comes in—building relationships that feed your soul.

See, happiness isn’t just one thing. It’s this beautiful, complex mix of things that all work together to make life worth living. And here’s the kicker—if you’re not actively cultivating happiness, you’re missing out on the fuel that can drive real, long-lasting success.

Why Happiness Is Crucial in Life + Business

Can’t we just grind, hustle, and power through life without worrying too much about whether we’re happy or not? Sure, you can do that, but here’s the truth—happiness is what makes the grind sustainable. Without it, you’re going to hit a wall. Trust me, I’ve been there.

Think about it. When you’re happy, everything flows more easily. Your relationships improve. You’re more productive, creative, and energized at work. You have the mental resilience to handle setbacks. Happiness isn’t a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have if you want to thrive.


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But here’s the catch: it’s not about being helpful once and expecting a massive return.

No, it’s about making helpfulness a habit. When people know they can count on you, they trust you. And when they trust you, they recommend you. It’s that simple. You become the person others want to work with, not because you’ve got the best pitch, but because they know you’ll show up and genuinely help them solve their problems.

And don’t think this is just about client relationships. This applies to your coworkers, your team, and even your boss. When you’re helpful at work, you’re not just getting through the daily grind; you’re actively creating an environment where people feel supported, seen, and valued. That’s the kind of culture that breeds success.

The Helper’s High

Alright, time to talk science for a minute. Ever heard of the Helper’s High? It’s a real thing. Helping others triggers a release of all those feel-good chemicals—endorphins, oxytocin, serotonin—you know, the ones that make you feel like you’ve just completed a marathon (without all the sweating). So yeah, helping others literally makes you feel better.

Think of it like this: every time you do something kind or helpful, your brain’s reward centers light up like the Fourth of July. That’s why I’ve created over 4,000 HubSpot tutorials over the years—every time I hit publish, it’s like a little hit of joy. Helping others becomes addictive in the best way possible because your brain is wired to enjoy it.

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But the benefits aren’t just fleeting. Studies show that people who regularly help others experience lower stress levels, better mental health, and even longer lives. That’s right—being helpful can literally help you live longer. So the next time you’re about to lend a hand, remember, you’re not just helping them—you’re helping yourself, too.

How Helpfulness Transforms Teams + Culture

Now that we’ve talked about the personal and professional benefits of being helpful, let’s zoom out and look at the bigger picture—how helpfulness can transform entire teams and company cultures.

When you create a culture of helpfulness, amazing things happen. Imagine a team where everyone is focused on supporting one another. People aren’t afraid to ask for help or take risks because they know they’ve got the full support of their team. That’s the kind of environment where creativity and innovation thrive.

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In business, especially, happiness makes a huge team:

  • A happy leader makes better decisions.
  • Better decisions made by a happy leader makes the team happy.
  • A happy team is a productive team.

And if you’re running a business, let me tell you—happy employees don’t just clock in and out. They care about the work they’re doing. They’re invested in the mission, and they’re more likely to stick around for the long haul.

So, if you’re serious about building something that lasts—whether it’s a career, a team, or an organization—you need to prioritize happiness. Not just for yourself but for everyone around you.

I Used to Chase the Wrong Type of "Happiness"

There was a time in my life when I thought I’d be happy once I hit certain milestones—when I got that promotion, spoke at that big conference, or made a certain amount of money. I was constantly moving the goalposts. First, it was, “I’ll be happy when I make $60,000,” then it was $80,000, then $120,000. You know the drill.

But here’s what I found out the hard way: That’s a losing game.

Chasing happiness through external achievements doesn’t work because once you get there, you realize the happiness is temporary. You’re always left asking, “Now what?” And for a long time, that's what I found myself wondering—going after what I now see are "vanity metrics" of success and happiness always left me feeling hollow, wanting more. 

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It wasn’t until I started focusing on the things that actually mattered—like spending time with my family, creating content that helped others, and building meaningful relationships—that I started to feel truly happy. I had to flip the script. Instead of chasing success, I started chasing significance. And you know what? That’s when everything started to click.

How to Cultivate Lasting Happiness

Alright, enough about me. Let’s talk about how you can cultivate happiness in your own life. Spoiler alert: It doesn’t happen by accident. You have to be intentional about it. Here are some actionable ways to start building lasting happiness:

  • Focus on your purpose: If you don’t know what drives you, take some time to figure it out. What lights you up? What gets you out of bed in the morning? When you align your daily actions with your purpose, happiness naturally follows.

  • Practice gratitude: This one’s huge. Start each day by writing down three things you’re grateful for. It shifts your mindset and helps you focus on what’s going right instead of what’s going wrong.

  • Create boundaries: Burnout is the enemy of happiness. Make sure you’re setting boundaries between work and life. It’s okay to say no to things that drain your energy.

  • Invest in relationships: Spend time with people who lift you up, who challenge you to be better, and who make you feel connected. These relationships are the cornerstone of happiness.

  • Prioritize health: Physical health plays a big role in how happy you feel. Get enough sleep, eat well, and move your body. When you feel good physically, it’s easier to feel good mentally and emotionally.

The Happiness Advantage in the Workplace

Now, let’s zoom out and refocus on the workplace. If you’re in a leadership position, you have a unique opportunity—and a responsibility—to create an environment where happiness can thrive. And I’m not just talking about ping-pong tables and free snacks.

Creating a happy workplace means building a culture where people feel valued, heard, and part of something bigger than themselves. Happy employees are more engaged, more creative, and more loyal. They don’t just show up for the paycheck—they show up because they want to be there.

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So how do you foster happiness in your team? It starts with recognizing what brings your employees joy and making sure they have the opportunity to do more of that. It’s about building strong relationships, providing opportunities for growth, and creating a sense of purpose in the work.

Happiness Is a Journey, Not a Destination

You can't wait for happiness to show up. You have to work at it, cultivate it, and nurture it every single day. But trust me, when you start making happiness a priority, everything else falls into place. You’ll be more resilient, more fulfilled, and more successful—not just in your career, but in life.

You can start today by taking small steps to cultivate happiness in your life and watch how it transforms everything—from your personal relationships to your professional performance. Remember, happiness is the fuel for your superhuman journey. Let’s make sure your tank is full.

If you’re ready to take that step, then I’m here to help. Whether it’s through the Beyond Your Default community, the upcoming Superhuman Framework course, or just some good old-fashioned conversation, let’s make it happen.