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The Superhuman Framework: Being Helpful Is Your Superpower

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The Superhuman Framework: Being Helpful Is Your Superpower

I'm back with another great discussion with my buddy, Chris Carolan, about The Superhuman Framework. And I’m pumped to dive into today’s topic—the power of being a helpful human. Now, if you’ve been following along with the Superhuman Framework, you’ll know this is something I’m crazy passionate about.

Being helpful isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s the secret sauce to creating connections, building confidence, and yes, growing personally and professionally. The truth is, being a helpful human is the ultimate hack for leveling up your life. So buckle up, because we’re about to dig into why being helpful is so powerful and how it can make you not just a better professional, but a superhuman in your everyday life.

We’ll explore how being helpful can:

  • Boost your confidence by showing you that your actions matter.
  • Sharpen your problem-solving skills as you help others tackle challenges.
  • Strengthen your personal and professional network, building relationships that matter.

And trust me, this isn’t just about handing out favors—it’s about building the kind of relationships that open doors and create new opportunities. We’ll talk about how helpfulness can transform your work culture, making your team more resilient, innovative, and—let’s be honest—a lot more fun to be around.

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Whether you’re looking to grow your business, elevate your leadership skills, or simply become a more fulfilled human, being helpful is the secret sauce. And here’s the best part: the more helpful you are, the more it all comes back to you.

It’s like creating ripples of goodness that multiply, amplifying your impact and growing your influence along the way. Ready to make helpfulness your superpower? Let’s dive in and start building that ripple effect together.

☀️ Go Deeper: What Is The Superhuman Framework?

Why Being Helpful Matters

You might think, “Sure, it’s nice to help others, but what’s in it for me?” Let me stop you right there. Being helpful is one of the most selfish things you can do—in the best way possible. When you help others, you’re not just brightening their day; you’re also building your own confidence, self-esteem, and a strong personal network. Yeah, you heard me right: being helpful is the rocket fuel for your own growth.

Think about it—when you help someone, you realize that your actions matter. And when you understand that you’re making a difference, it does wonders for how you see yourself.

☀️ Go Deeper: Check Out the Beyond Your Default Podcast for Personal Growth

You start to feel like you’ve got this whole life thing under control. That feeling is priceless. Plus, when you’re known as someone who genuinely helps others, you’re creating relationships that last. That’s why I like to call myself a “blessing bomber.” I’m here to drop blessings, give people a hand up, and bring as many people along with me as I can.

Now, I know some of you are thinking, “Okay, George, but how does this fit into my work life?” Oh, trust me, we’re getting to that. But first, let’s break down how being helpful on a personal level sets the foundation for everything else.

The Personal Benefits of Being Helpful

Helping others goes way beyond just a feel-good moment. Sure, there’s that initial warm fuzziness, but the long-term benefits? Oh man, they’re next level. When you make helping others a habit, you’re actually building critical skills like problem-solving, empathy, leadership, and communication. Let’s break that down a bit:

  • Problem-solving: When you help someone, chances are they’ve hit a roadblock. Maybe it’s a tough project or a personal dilemma, but either way, you’re there to assist. Helping them means you’re actively engaging your brain to find a solution—and that’s building your problem-solving muscles.

  • Empathy: This is a big one. When you help someone, you have to put yourself in their shoes to understand their problem. That’s empathy in action. It helps you connect on a deeper level with the people around you, which leads to stronger relationships.

  • Leadership: Even if you don’t think of yourself as a leader, being helpful forces you into leadership roles. Whether it’s guiding someone through a problem or helping them improve a skill, you’re taking the lead in that moment.

  • Communication: You can’t help someone if you’re not talking to them, right? Whether you’re explaining how to solve a problem or just offering support, being helpful sharpens your communication skills. 

And guess what? All of these skills are super valuable both personally and professionally. Want to build a stronger network? Get better at solving problems? Be known as a go-to person? Start by being helpful.

The Ripple Effect of Workplace Helpfulness

Now, let’s talk about the professional side. You’ve probably heard the saying, “Your network is your net worth.” Well, it’s true—and one of the best ways to build that network is by being helpful. Let me tell you from experience, the number one lead generator for Sidekick Strategies and George B. Thomas, LLC isn’t SEO or paid ads.

It’s other humans recommending me because I helped them at some point along the way. That’s right, being helpful opens doors—BIG ones.

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But here’s the catch: it’s not about being helpful once and expecting a massive return.

No, it’s about making helpfulness a habit. When people know they can count on you, they trust you. And when they trust you, they recommend you. It’s that simple. You become the person others want to work with, not because you’ve got the best pitch, but because they know you’ll show up and genuinely help them solve their problems.

And don’t think this is just about client relationships. This applies to your coworkers, your team, and even your boss. When you’re helpful at work, you’re not just getting through the daily grind; you’re actively creating an environment where people feel supported, seen, and valued. That’s the kind of culture that breeds success.

The Helper’s High

Alright, time to talk science for a minute. Ever heard of the Helper’s High? It’s a real thing. Helping others triggers a release of all those feel-good chemicals—endorphins, oxytocin, serotonin—you know, the ones that make you feel like you’ve just completed a marathon (without all the sweating). So yeah, helping others literally makes you feel better.

Think of it like this: every time you do something kind or helpful, your brain’s reward centers light up like the Fourth of July. That’s why I’ve created over 4,000 HubSpot tutorials over the years—every time I hit publish, it’s like a little hit of joy. Helping others becomes addictive in the best way possible because your brain is wired to enjoy it.

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But the benefits aren’t just fleeting. Studies show that people who regularly help others experience lower stress levels, better mental health, and even longer lives. That’s right—being helpful can literally help you live longer. So the next time you’re about to lend a hand, remember, you’re not just helping them—you’re helping yourself, too.

Bringing It All Together: How Helpfulness Transforms Teams and Culture

Now that we’ve talked about the personal and professional benefits of being helpful, let’s zoom out and look at the bigger picture—how helpfulness can transform entire teams and company cultures.

When you create a culture of helpfulness, amazing things happen. Imagine a team where everyone is focused on supporting one another. People aren’t afraid to ask for help or take risks because they know they’ve got the full support of their team. That’s the kind of environment where creativity and innovation thrive.

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Teams that embrace helpfulness are more resilient, more cohesive, and ultimately more successful. Why? Because they’re not wasting time worrying about who’s going to catch them if they fail. They know their team has their back, and that kind of trust is priceless.

And it doesn’t stop at the team level. When helpfulness becomes part of your company’s DNA, it spills over into everything you do—customer interactions, business decisions, even community impact. A company that’s known for being helpful attracts passionate employees, loyal customers, and long-term success. It’s the ripple effect in action.

How to Build a Helpfulness Mindset

Alright, so how do you make this a reality? It starts with small, consistent acts of helpfulness. Here are a few ways you can start building a helpfulness mindset, whether you’re leading a team or just looking to be a better coworker:

  • Make it a daily habit: Look for opportunities to help every day. It doesn’t have to be big—sometimes a small gesture can make a huge difference.

  • Encourage your team to help each other: Foster a culture where people aren’t afraid to ask for help. When someone asks for help, make sure they’re met with support, not judgment.

  • Celebrate helpfulness: Recognize and reward acts of helpfulness in your team. When people see that helpfulness is valued, they’re more likely to keep it up.

  • Lead by example: Whether you’re a manager or a team member, lead by example. Be the person who steps up to help, and others will follow suit.

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Let’s Build a World of Helpful Humans

At the end of the day, being a helpful human isn’t just about doing good deeds—it’s about creating a world where kindness, empathy, and support are the norm. Whether it’s in your personal life, your work life, or your community, helpfulness is the key to building deeper connections, stronger teams, and a more fulfilling life.

So here’s my challenge to you:

Start looking for ways to help. Whether it’s helping a coworker with a project, lending a hand to a friend, or even offering a smile to a stranger, the impact of your actions will ripple out in ways you can’t even imagine. And trust me, the more you help, the more you’ll feel the benefits in your own life. Let’s build superhumans, one helpful act at a time.

If you’re ready to take that step, then I’m here to help. Whether it’s through the Beyond Your Default community, the upcoming Superhuman Framework course, or just some good old-fashioned conversation, let’s make it happen.