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The Superhuman Framework: The Best Leaders Lead with Humility

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The Superhuman Framework: The Best Leaders Lead with Humility

I'm back with another great discussion with my buddy, Chris Carolan, about The Superhuman Framework. This time, we're diving into one of the most important—yet often misunderstood—pillars of The Superhuman Framework: humility.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. Humility? Really?

In a world where we’re all trying to level up, get ahead, and be the best, how does humility fit into the mix? Well, buckle up, because I’m about to show you why embracing humility is the superpower that unlocks deeper connections, stronger leadership skills, and ultimately, long-term success. Humility is often mistaken for weakness, for stepping aside and letting others walk all over you. If that's the version of humility you're used to, let me just stop you right there.

🌱 Go Deeper: What the Heck Is The Superhuman Framework?

Humility isn’t about being passive or shrinking yourself to make others feel comfortable. Humility is about having the strength to stand firm in who you are, without needing to scream it from the rooftops. It’s about staying open, staying curious, and staying adaptable. You can be the best at what you do, but if you lose sight of humility, you’re not playing the long game.

Today, we’re going to dig deep into what humility is, why it matters, and how you can cultivate it to become not just a better professional, but a better human. Ready? Let’s go.

☝️ Watch our entire conversation! ☝️

Humility: What It Is (+ What It Definitely Isn’t)

Too often, people think humility is about letting people push you around, not taking credit, or downplaying your strengths. Wrong. That’s not humility—that’s insecurity. True humility is knowing what you bring to the table and being confident in your abilities, but without needing to rub it in everyone’s face.

Humility is strength under control. It’s knowing that you’re good at something, but not needing to constantly broadcast it. It’s about being secure enough in yourself that you don’t feel threatened by the success of others. And guess what? It’s that balance—confidence without arrogance—that makes people trust you more, work with you more, and ultimately, respect you more.

☀️ Go Deeper: Check Out the Beyond Your Default Podcast for Personal Growth

Yes, we live in a world that rewards big personalities, bold claims, and fast success. But humility, my friends, is about playing the long game.

It’s about being adaptable, about staying open to feedback, and about always being willing to learn. In fact, the best leaders I’ve ever known—and the ones I’ve tried to emulate—aren’t the ones who are loudest in the room. They’re the ones who listen, who empower their teams, and who don’t need to take all the credit for a job well done.

Humble Leaders Get Ish Done

If you’re in any sort of leadership role, humility is your secret weapon. Humble leaders are the ones who build trust. They’re the ones who empower their teams to step up and shine. And guess what? That’s what people want—they want to feel seen, heard, and valued.

When you lead with humility, you’re creating an environment where people aren’t afraid to take risks, to speak up, and to bring their whole selves to the table. You’re fostering a culture where everyone feels like they can contribute, not just the loudest voices in the room.

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Humble leaders also make better decisions. Why? Because they’re open to new ideas and different perspectives. They’re not afraid to admit when they’re wrong, and they’re not too proud to ask for help. And believe me, asking for help is one of the most powerful things you can do as a leader.

My Hard-Learned Lesson with Humility

When I was about 21 or 22, I worked at a camp in Ohio called Faith Ranch as a camp counselor, horseback riding instructor, repelling instructor, and even an archery instructor. I was all in, creating the best camp experience possible. And I thought I was invincible. I had just bought myself a 500cc Honda motorcycle, even though the camp owner advised me against it. But I felt like I was on top of the world.

One weekend, a couple of friends and I decided to go into town to shoot some hoops. I hopped on my new bike, wearing my leather jacket and helmet, and hit the road, feeling like the king of the world. After we played basketball, we headed back, and that’s where things went south. I was showing off, driving about 80 in a 55 mph zone, when I saw a possum walking across the road. I swerved to avoid it, but I overcorrected, and my front tire hit the berm.

My bike did six flips, and they found my gas tank 150 yards from where I crashed. I was thrown from the bike and came to with a broken wrist, a dislocated shoulder, and four stitches in my knee. I couldn’t even undo my helmet or move my arm. I was in pretty bad shape.

 I was showing off, driving too fast, and well, let’s just say things didn’t end well. I woke up in the hospital with a broken wrist, dislocated shoulder, and four stitches in my knee. But you know what hurt the most? Realizing that my arrogance—my ego—had gotten the best of me.

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The next morning, I couldn’t even pull up my pants because of my injuries. I had to call for help, and that moment—when a guy named Chuck came to help me—it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was broken, not just physically, but emotionally. I realized I needed to let go of my ego and start embracing humility.

Since that day, I’ve carried a little air valve in my head. Anytime my ego starts to inflate, I let a little air out. Why? Because I’ve learned that humility is the foundation of real, lasting growth. And I don’t ever want to be in that position again—where my arrogance leads me to a fall. I want to stay grounded, stay open, and stay humble.

Humility is the Key to Building Stronger Teams

Humility isn’t just a personal virtue—it’s a team-building superpower. When you cultivate humility in your team, you create an environment where everyone feels safe to contribute, to take risks, and to innovate. People aren’t scared of making mistakes because they know they won’t be judged for it.

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When humility is at the core of your team culture, it unlocks potential. People aren’t focused on protecting their egos or outshining their coworkers. Instead, they’re focused on collaboration, on solving problems together, and on lifting each other up.

And let me tell you, when you have a humble team, that’s when the real magic happens. Ideas flow more freely, feedback is given and received constructively, and people feel more connected to the work and to each other. It’s not about individual wins—it’s about team victories. And that’s when the whole organization starts to thrive.

Humility in Business: Playing the Long Game

Too many businesses focus on short-term wins, on quick gains. But if you want to build something that lasts, humility needs to be a cornerstone of your strategy. Why? Humble businesses are adaptable. They’re willing to pivot when necessary, they listen to their customers, and they’re always looking for ways to improve. Humility keeps you grounded, keeps you curious, and most importantly, keeps you connected to the people you’re serving.

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At the end of the day, humility drives growth, trust, and success in ways that arrogance never can. It’s not about being the biggest, the loudest, or the flashiest. It’s about being the most adaptable, the most curious, and the most willing to learn from your mistakes.

How to Cultivate Humility: Practical Steps

Alright, so now that we know why humility is so important, how do you actually cultivate it? Here are a few practical steps you can start taking today:

  • Admit when you don’t know something: This might sound simple, but it’s huge. Admitting you don’t know everything—and being willing to learn—is a key part of staying humble.

  • Ask for feedback: Actively seek out feedback from your peers, your team, and your customers. Listen to what they have to say, and use it to grow.

  • Celebrate others: Don’t hog the spotlight. Make it a habit to recognize and celebrate the contributions of others. It not only boosts morale, but it also reminds you that success is a team effort.

  • Stay curious: Humility and curiosity go hand in hand. Stay open to new ideas, new perspectives, and new ways of doing things.

  • Let go of the need to be right: This one’s tough, but it’s crucial. Being right isn’t as important as getting it right. Be willing to admit when you’re wrong and make adjustments.

Here's Your Humility Challenge

At the end of the day, humility isn’t about shrinking yourself or letting others take advantage of you. It’s about being confident in who you are, while staying open, curious, and adaptable. It’s about playing the long game, building deeper connections, and creating a culture where everyone can thrive.

So here’s my challenge to you: start cultivating humility today. Whether it’s in your personal life, your leadership role, or your business, humility is the key to unlocking growth, trust, and long-term success. Embrace it, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a true superhuman.

If you’re ready to take that step, then I’m here to help. Whether it’s through the Beyond Your Default community, the upcoming Superhuman Framework course, or just some good old-fashioned conversation, let’s make it happen.