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Simplifying Marketing Event Management with your HubSpot CRM

Imagine a world where event management is a breeze. Whether you're a small business or an enterprise corporation, this event will help you learn how to organize, manage, and execute events within HubSpot.




Who Is Justin Givens? 

Justin has been in the tech industry for over 20 years.

He is Image in a Box's and's resident Director and systems engineer, a lot of times, he's the man behind the curtain. Essentially, he's the resident wizard of Oz, ensuring all your solutions have the simplest, seamless tech stack possible.

He is a tech magician who has consulted with and executed system integrations and time-saving solutions for brands like Simon & Schuster, YMCA, Studio SWEAT onDemand, and hundreds more.

Who Is George B. Thomas? 

George is the "Chief HubSpot Helper" owner at George B. Thomas, LLCβ€”host of the HubHeroes podcast, Sidekick Strategies Expert Interviews podcast, and the Beyond Your Default podcast.

George helps companies streamline and grow using the right HubSpot CRM, marketing, sales, service, operations, and CMS tools. George has more than 30 years of sales and marketing experience and has been using HubSpot since 2012. George is a vault of valuable information, tactics, and strategies with an all-time high record-breaking 42+ HubSpot Academy certifications, including Inbound Marketing, Inbound Sales, Contextual Marketing, CMS Implementation, Email Marketing, and Content Marketing.

George utilizes his graphic design, web development, and HubSpot expertise to partner with, teach, and develop solutions for companies looking to build their businesses and increase revenue. George is a teacher and motivator at heart. His true passion is being a catalyst for growth and helping others be inspired, educated, and willing to work hard to achieve unlimited success!

In George's free time, he is a professional speaker, emcee, husband, father, and friend to many.

George B Thomas Motivational Professional Speaker

Watch The Recording

Justin dropped some serious knowledge bombs during this event.