1 min read
The magic of HubSpot Campaigns: comparing, creating, and customizing campaigns (HubHeroes, Ep. 37)
George B. Thomas
May 31, 2023 7:12:55 PM
Hoo boy, do we have a juicy episode for you all this week, because we are talking about one of my absolute favorite parts of HubSpot Marketing Hub β HubSpot campaigns! And to help us out with this meaty topic, we're joined by Justin Givens, the HubSpot Maximizer at Image In a Box!
What really gets me going about campaigns is how powerful they are, but also how wildly misunderstood they are.
For example, when I throw out the word "campaign" to you as marketers, where does your brain go? Ad campaigns? Email campaigns? Something else? In the world of HubSpot, we're talking about something a bit different ... although ad and email campaigns are super dope.
HubSpot campaigns allow you to tag a bunch of different related assets (emails, blogs, forms, social media posts, and more), so you can track their collective effectiveness. For example, if you've got an event, you can tag all of your HubSpot assets for that event in HubSpot. If you've got a content series about a particular topic, you can create a campaign around it.
π Related: HubSpot reporting mindsets, misconceptions, and marvelous disasters (HubHeroes #35)
Now, this all sounds great in theory, but I'll be the first to admit campaigns can seem a little overwhelming at first if you've never used them before. Or, even if you are a HubSpot pro, campaigns come with so many options ... where do you even start?
And that's why we've gathered around this week's virtual campfire to demystify the HubSpot campaigns ... because, if you care about HubSpot reporting or content marketing ROI (which, I'm sure you do!), campaigns are your untapped secret weapon.
What we cover in this episode
- What are HubSpot campaigns really, and how do they work?
- Are HubSpot campaigns really that important, or can you ignore them?
- What are the must-know best practices and tips for creating a new campaign?
- What do most HubSpot users get wrong about using campaigns?
- What are some of the more advanced tactics HubSpot users should be thinking about when building and managing campaigns?
- How does campaign reporting work?
- How can you integrate offline marketing activities (e.g., direct mail) with campaigns?
- What limitations exist with HubSpot campaigns
- What's the difference between HubSpot campaigns and Google Analytics campaign URL builder?
Extra resources
- HubSpot reporting mindsets, misconceptions, and marvelous disasters (HubHeroes Podcast)
- HubSpot social media strategy tips, tricks, and hacks (HubHeroes Podcast)
- How to do content marketing ROI the right way (HubHeroes Podcast)
- Why HubSpot? Why inbound? (HubHeroes Podcast)
- What is the HubSpot Flywheel, and is the funnel dead? (HubHeroes Podcast)