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The Superhuman Framework: The Powerful Role of Holiness + Spirituality in Our Work Lives

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The Superhuman Framework: Holiness + Spirituality in Our Work Lives

Welcome back to another thought-provoking conversation with my dear friend, Chris Carolan, about The Superhuman Framework. Today we’re about to dig into something a little deeper: holiness.

Now, before you hit the back button because you’re not quite sure where this is headed, hear me out. I’m not talking about religion or some megaphone preaching moment here. Holiness, as I see it, is all about aligning your life with your deepest values and living with a sense of purpose. It’s about connecting with something bigger than ourselves, whether you call that the universe, your core values, or something spiritual.

And trust me, this conversation isn’t just for those who attend church or meditate daily. It’s for anyone who’s ever felt like something is missing—like there’s a gap between what you’re doing and what really matters. So, grab a seat, settle in, and let’s talk about how holiness can supercharge your life, your career, and even your organization.

☝️ Watch our entire conversation! ☝️

In this discussion, Chris and I cover:

  • Why Holiness Matters: I’ll dive into why aligning with your core values and living with purpose is the key to a life that feels fulfilling, not just busy.

  • Holiness in Leadership: We’ll explore how embracing holiness in leadership can create a ripple effect that transforms your team, builds trust, and inspires loyalty.

  • Bringing Holiness into Your Organization: Learn how you can cultivate a values-driven culture where people show up for something bigger than a paycheck.

  • Practical Steps to Cultivate Holiness: I’ll give you actionable tips on how to bring more holiness into your everyday life and work, so you can live with greater clarity and purpose.

By the end of this read, you’ll not only understand what holiness really means in this context but also have the tools to start living a life that’s more aligned with who you are and what you believe in. Sound good? Let’s get started.

☀️ Go Deeper: What Is The Superhuman Framework?

Let’s explore what real happiness is, why it’s so critical, and how it can become a real asset in both your personal and professional life.

Holiness: It's Not What You Think

When you hear me say the word “holiness,” you might be worried I'm about to go off on a religious rant, but that’s not the case. Holiness, at its core, is about something much broader—something that transcends whatever labels you use (or don't use) for your personal beliefs. 

When I say "holiness," what I'm really talking about is a commitment to principles that guide us toward truth, purpose, and authenticity. And if you think about it, those three things are what we all crave—whether we’re at work, with our families, or just trying to navigate this thing called life.

Holiness is about living in a way that reflects who we truly are and what we believe in. And believe me, that’s not always easy. It’s one of those deep, soul-searching questions you have to ask yourself: “Am I living in alignment with my deepest values?” It’s not the kind of question you can answer quickly, and that’s okay. It’s more of a daily practice—a constant tuning of your internal compass to make sure you’re heading in the right direction.

☀️ Go Deeper: Check Out the Beyond Your Default Podcast for Personal Growth

How do you get started with these types of conversations with yourself? Well, while this is a very personal journey you will learn how to define for yourself, here are a few self-reflection questions you can ask yourself regularly to stay on track:

  • What values truly drive me? Are you clear about what matters most in your life, or are you getting pulled in a hundred directions by external pressures?

  • Am I showing up as my authentic self? Whether at work, with friends, or in your personal time, are you being true to who you are, or are you wearing a mask to fit in?

  • Where do I spend my time and energy? Does your daily routine reflect your values, or are you caught up in things that don’t bring you closer to your purpose?

  • How do I handle challenges? When life throws curveballs, do you react out of alignment with your values, or do you stay grounded in them?

  • Am I giving myself grace? Holiness isn’t about being perfect; it’s about growth. Are you kind to yourself during the process, or do you beat yourself up when things don’t go as planned?

By asking yourself these questions, you’re not only building self-awareness but also making sure that your actions and choices reflect what’s most important to you. This process is about tuning into that inner voice, the one that often gets drowned out by the noise of everyday life.

Holiness is a journey, not a destination. It’s a practice that requires daily reflection, adjustment, and growth. And when you commit to that practice, the clarity and sense of purpose that follows are unmatched.

Why Holiness Matters in Every Aspect of Life

Why should we care about holiness in a world that’s always pushing us to chase the next goal, hit the next milestone, or climb the next rung of the ladder? Well, because without that alignment—without a deeper connection to your purpose—you’re going to burn out. You’re going to feel like something’s missing, even when everything looks “successful” from the outside.

Holiness gives you a sense of direction. It’s like the anchor that keeps your ship from drifting aimlessly. Without it, you can grind and hustle all you want, but something will always feel off. With holiness, you get clarity—about who you are, what you stand for, and where you’re headed. And that clarity? It’s a game changer.

 ☀️ Go Deeper: Helpfulness as a Superpower for Teams + Leaders (Superhuman Framework)

When we talk about holiness, we’re also talking about resilience. If you’re aligned with your core values, it’s a lot harder to get knocked off course by the small stuff—or even the big stuff. Holiness gives you the inner fire to keep going, no matter what life throws at you. It’s the antidote to burnout, and in today’s fast-paced world, that’s more important than ever.

Holiness is about maintaining that sense of purpose in every area of your life, and while it’s not always easy, it’s always worth it. Staying connected to what you truly value helps you navigate life’s challenges with a clear head and a grounded heart. And that’s something we all need.

Holiness as a Leadership Superpower

As a leader, embodying holiness isn’t about being “holier than thou” or preaching from a pedestal. It’s about leading with empathy, purpose, and authenticity. When you do that, you create a ripple effect throughout your entire organization. You inspire trust, loyalty, and dedication. Your team doesn’t just follow you because they have to—they follow you because they want to.

And let me tell you, when that happens, magic starts to unfold.

Your team becomes more resilient, adaptable, and united in facing whatever challenges come your way. You create an environment where people feel safe to share their ideas, challenge the status quo, and contribute their best selves to the mission. And that’s when real progress happens—not just for your business, but for the people who make it run.

☀️ Go Deeper: What Humility Looks Like in the Workplace (Superhuman Framework)

Now, how can you apply this in your leadership role?

  • Lead with Authenticity: Be open about your own values and purpose. Share your own struggles and how staying grounded in your values has helped you navigate tough situations. Authenticity encourages others to be their real selves, and when people feel they can be themselves, they show up more fully.

  • Create Space for Honest Conversations: Build a culture where feedback flows in all directions. Encourage your team to share ideas openly, and as a leader, actively listen. This helps create the psychological safety that fuels innovation.

  • Model Purpose-Driven Decision-Making: Every decision you make as a leader should reflect the core values you stand for. When your team sees you making tough calls while staying aligned with your purpose, it reinforces the culture of values-driven leadership. This builds long-term trust.

  • Foster Team Resilience: Holiness in leadership also means showing up when things are tough. It’s about leading with empathy and giving your team the support they need to bounce back. Encourage them to stay connected to their own values when times get challenging, and model that in your actions.

By embodying holiness in your leadership, you’re doing more than just managing a team. You're actively strengthening your team’s resilience and creativity, as well as fostering a culture where everyone feels empowered to bring their best. 

How to Cultivate Holiness in Your Life + Work

Alright, so now that we’ve covered why holiness matters, let’s get into the “how.” Living with holiness isn’t just about big, philosophical ideas—it’s about daily, practical actions that help you stay connected to your values and purpose. Whether you’re leading a team or simply trying to align your life with what matters most to you, cultivating holiness requires intention and consistency.

☀️ Go Deeper: Fact vs. Fiction, What Is a Growth Mindset, Really?

Sounds great—in theory. But how do you actually cultivate holiness in your life, your team, and your organization?

  • Check in with your values: Ask yourself regularly, “Am I living in alignment with my deepest values?” This isn’t a one-time question. It’s a daily practice. By regularly reflecting on your actions and decisions, you can make sure they’re in line with what’s truly important to you.

  • Create space for mindfulness: Whether it’s through meditation, taking a walk, or just sitting quietly for a few minutes, give yourself time to reconnect with your core. Trust me, it makes all the difference. When you carve out space to breathe and reflect, you’re able to stay grounded in your values, even in the midst of chaos.

  • Foster a shared sense of purpose: If you’re leading a team, make sure everyone knows why their work matters—not just to the bottom line, but to a larger mission or goal. This gives people something to rally around and helps them feel connected to something bigger than themselves.

  • Encourage open dialogue: Build trust by creating a safe space where people can share their ideas, challenges, and feedback without fear of judgment. When people feel heard and valued, they’re more likely to show up fully and authentically.

  • Lead with empathy: Remember that your team members are humans with their own struggles, values, and aspirations. Show up for them not just as a boss, but as someone who genuinely cares. Empathy is the foundation for strong relationships and trust.

Holiness is about staying connected to your purpose. Does it require work? Yes. But when you start putting these practices into action, you’ll notice that it’s not just about sparking your own personal growth. You’ll see your relationships flourish, your team thrive, and your work take on new meaning. The more you cultivate holiness, the more aligned your life will become with the values that matter most.

Bringing Holiness Into Your Organization

If you want to build a thriving organization, it starts with creating a values-driven culture. And I’m not talking about slapping a few buzzwords on your website and calling it a day. I’m talking about living those values every single day—in every meeting, every email, and every decision.

When you do this, you build a culture where people feel like their work has purpose. It’s no longer just clocking in and clocking out for a paycheck. It becomes something meaningful, something that makes your team excited to show up and contribute. And when your team is united by shared values, you unlock their full potential. They’re more resilient, more creative, and more committed to the mission.

☀️ Go Deeper: Hyena Energy, the Power + Poison of Humor in Our Lives

If you want to know if you’re fostering that kind of environment, ask yourself these questions:

  • Can my team actually name our core values? If I walked up to someone in the hallway (or on a Zoom call) and asked them what we stand for as a company, would they know the answer? If not, we’ve got some work to do.

  • Are we living out those values every day? It’s easy to print out a list of values and slap it on the wall, but are we really making decisions that reflect them? Are we sticking to them even when it’s tough, or are we cutting corners for quick wins?

  • Do our people feel connected to our mission? It’s one thing to have a great mission statement, but are we helping our team see how their day-to-day work contributes to that bigger picture? If they’re not feeling it, it’s on us to make that connection clearer.

  • How do we handle the tough stuff? When things get hard (and they always do), are we sticking to our values, or do we throw them out the window to deal with the crisis? This is where the real test comes in—how we handle challenges says a lot about who we are as a team.

When your team feels connected to a bigger purpose, when they know that what they’re doing actually matters, they show up differently. They’re not just going through the motions—they’re all in. 


How Will Holiness Show Up in Your Work + Life?

Take a moment to reflect on where you are right now. Are you aligned with your values? Are you leading with empathy and purpose, or have you drifted into autopilot, just getting through the day? Here’s the thing: living with holiness means showing up—fully and authentically—in every aspect of your life, even when it’s hard. Especially when it’s hard.

Holiness isn't about a hard and fast approach to religion, it's about creating a life that resonates with what truly matters to you—whether that’s in the boardroom, at home, or even when you’re just spending time with yourself. Holiness is having the courage to make decisions that reflect your values, even when the easier path seems tempting. It's what anchors you when the storm hits, what gives you clarity when everything feels chaotic.

☀️ Go Deeper: Addressing Burnout When You Really Love What You Do

Most of all, remember holiness is practice—a daily commitment to live with integrity, to lead with empathy, and to stay connected to your purpose. Some days, you’ll nail it. Other days, you’ll fall short. And that’s okay. What matters is that you keep coming back to what grounds you.

So, ask yourself: What’s one thing you can do today to live and lead with more holiness? It doesn’t have to be big, but it does have to be real. And trust me, when you start making those small changes, you’ll see the difference in everything you do. If you’re ready to take that step, then I’m here to help. Whether it’s through the Beyond Your Default community, the upcoming Superhuman Framework course, or just some good old-fashioned conversation, let’s make it happen.