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How the Top 10% Use HubSpot to Activate Data + Drive Growth in 2024 (with Jonathan Burg)

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How the Top 10% Use HubSpot to Activate Data + Drive Growth in 2024

What makes HubSpot tick in 2024? Answering this question has larger implications today than it has historically. This isn’t just another year for HubSpot users—oh no, this year is all about leveling up. During #INBOUND24, HubSpot showed up with massive, AI-powered updates to the platform. We’re also seeing a major shift in how the best of the best are doing things differently, and if you’re in the HubSpot ecosystem, trust me, you’ll want to lean in on this conversation.

I recently had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with Jonathan Burg, a true master of his craft, to pick his brain on how the top-tier HubSpot users are driving growth, innovating, and staying ahead of the curve in this fast-paced digital landscape.

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Now, if you’ve been in the HubSpot game for a while, you know it’s no longer about just having the right tools—it’s about using them in smarter, more strategic ways. Whether you’re in marketing, sales, or revenue operations, HubSpot has evolved into a full-fledged powerhouse that’s giving businesses the competitive edge they need.

But just having HubSpot isn’t enough. The real secret lies in how you use it, and today, we’re going to dive into the playbook of the top performers—what they’re doing, how they’re thinking, and most importantly, how you can apply their strategies to your own HubSpot approach.

☝️ Watch our entire conversation! ☝️

Jonathan and I covered some important strategies that can really change the way you use HubSpot. You’ll find these tips useful if you’re looking to improve how you work and get better results:

  • Data Activation for Sustainable Growth: Learn how activating your data (not just managing it) is what separates the high performers from the rest.

  • AI Integration and HubSpot’s Future: Find out how top-tier companies are leveraging AI to supercharge their teams, content, and outreach—taking efficiency to a whole new level.

  • Customer-Centric Growth Strategies: Explore why the most successful HubSpot users are all about putting the customer first in every single decision they make.

  • The HubSpot Tech Stack Mastery: Discover how the best of the best are streamlining their tech stack for maximum impact, minimizing the noise, and focusing on what really matters.

By the end of this read, you’ll have a toolkit of practical takeaways that can transform the way you’re using HubSpot. Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been in the trenches for years, there’s something here for everyone. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s get into how the best do HubSpot differently in 2024.

Data Activation for Sustainable Growth

Alright, folks, let’s kick this off by talking about something that most companies think they’re doing well, but trust me, they’re barely scratching the surface: data activation. Yep, you heard that right—activation, not just management. I know, I know, you’re probably thinking, “But George, we’ve got all this data, and we’re using it!”

Sure, OK, that might be true. But are you really using it to its full potential, or are you just keeping it clean and tucked away in your CRM, waiting for the right moment to act on it?

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When Jonathan and I talked about this, he made a critical point: the top performers in HubSpot’s ecosystem aren’t just managing their data—they’re activating it. And this is what sets them apart. They’re not simply collecting customer info and storing it in a fancy database. No, they’re turning that data into insights and actions that drive business growth. They’re using it to anticipate customer needs, create personalized experiences, and most importantly, to fuel their entire business strategy.

You see, managing your data is like keeping a tidy garage—everything’s in its place, but it’s just sitting there. Activating your data? That’s when you take those tools out of the garage and start building something epic. When you turn your data into actions, it’s no longer just a passive resource. It becomes the engine driving your growth.

What Does Data Activation Look Like?

Let me paint you a picture. Imagine you’re using HubSpot to track every touchpoint with your customers—their emails, their chat messages, their social interactions. All of that is data, right? But if all you’re doing is recording that information and patting yourself on the back for having a clean CRM, you’re missing the bigger opportunity.

The top companies? They’re creating HubSpot workflows that use that data in real time. Someone clicks on a product page? Boom, they get a personalized follow-up email with related content. A lead hasn’t engaged in 30 days? Boom, they’re automatically added to a re-engagement campaign. That’s what activation looks like—it’s using data to drive meaningful, timely actions.

Put It Into Action

Here’s how to start moving from passive data management to full-on data activation:

  • Audit Your Data Usage: Take a step back and ask yourself, “Am I using my data to its full potential?” Are there workflows you haven’t set up yet? Are there insights you’re not tapping into? Go through your CRM and see where the gaps are.

  • Build Actionable Workflows: Use HubSpot’s automation tools to create workflows that trigger based on specific customer behaviors. For example, set up a workflow that kicks off a nurture campaign when a lead views a key page on your website but doesn’t convert.

  • Segment for Personalization: The best teams are using segmentation to get super targeted. Break your contacts into segments based on their behavior, demographics, or previous interactions. Then, tailor your outreach to those specific groups.

  • Measure the Impact: Once you’ve activated your data, track what’s working and what’s not. Are your workflows driving conversions? Is your segmentation increasing engagement? Keep refining until your data activation process is a well-oiled machine.

When you start activating your data instead of just managing it, you’ll notice a shift. Suddenly, you’re not just reacting to your customers—you’re anticipating their needs, you’re staying a step ahead, and that’s when the real growth starts to happen.

AI + HubSpot: It's All About Efficiency + Innovation

We’re stepping into the world of AI; it’s not some futuristic dream anymore. AI is here, and it’s already transforming how businesses are using HubSpot. Some of you may be wondering, “Isn’t AI just for big companies with tech teams and deep pockets?” Not anymore. AI is something you can tap into right now, no matter the size of your business. It’s not just about automating tasks either—it’s about creating better content, engaging more effectively with your customers, and running your operations smoother than ever.

When Jonathan and I talked about AI, one thing stood out: AI isn’t just about saving time. It’s like having an extra pair of hands, but those hands make everything more efficient and effective. The top HubSpot users are using AI not just to do more work, but to do better work. Think of AI as a tool that enhances what you’re already doing—it’s not replacing the human touch, but making that touch even more meaningful.

AI-Driven Content + AI for Sales

You’ve got a blog to maintain, social media posts to push out, emails to write, and webinars to promote. It’s a lot, right? Well, AI is stepping in as your content co-pilot, helping you repurpose and refine content like never before. Jonathan and I talked about how AI tools, like HubSpot’s own AI-driven content assistants, are enabling teams to take a single piece of content—say, a webinar—and break it into bite-sized, platform-specific pieces that can be used across social channels, blogs, and email campaigns.

 ☀️ Go Deeper: AI in Marketing, Is It a Pilot or Copilot? (#INBOUND24 Exclusive Debate)

AI isn’t just cutting down your workload. It’s making your content better. AI tools are smart enough to help you personalize and optimize your content for different audiences. That means higher engagement rates, better click-throughs, and, ultimately, more conversions.

But you marketers can't have all the AI fun. 

If you’re in sales, you know how grueling it can be to manage prospecting, lead nurturing, and follow-ups. Well, imagine having an AI-powered assistant that can help you prioritize leads based on their likelihood to convert, craft personalized email templates, and even suggest the best times to reach out. Jonathan shared how companies using HubSpot’s AI tools are seeing massive boosts in efficiency, allowing their sales teams to focus on what really matters: building relationships and closing deals.

Put It Into Action

Ready to let AI do some of the heavy lifting? Here’s how you can start leveraging AI within HubSpot:

  • Repurpose Content with AI Tools: Use AI to take long-form content—like webinars, blog posts, or podcasts—and break it into multiple pieces that can be optimized for different platforms. A single webinar can be turned into social media snippets, blog articles, and email sequences.

  • Automate Personalized Outreach: Let AI suggest which prospects to follow up with, and even when. Use AI-generated email templates to personalize your outreach based on customer behavior, making your emails feel less like mass marketing and more like genuine engagement.

  • Use AI for Lead Scoring: Stop guessing which leads are ready to convert. AI can analyze your leads’ behaviors and interactions, helping you prioritize the ones that are most likely to take action.

When AI is part of your HubSpot game plan, you’re not just automating tasks—you’re improving the entire customer experience. Whether it’s creating smarter content or supercharging your sales efforts, AI helps you stay ahead of the curve while doing more with less.

Customer-Centric Growth: Putting People First

One of the things Jonathan and I were both on the same page about is this: the companies that are truly thriving right now aren’t just chasing after the next big deal. They’re investing in the customers they already have—the ones who’ve bought into their product, their mission, and their brand. These businesses understand that while customer acquisition is great, it’s customer retention where the real value lies.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s not enough to just sell something and call it a day. You’ve got to keep your customers engaged, satisfied, and—most importantly—loyal. Putting your customers at the heart of everything you do, from marketing to sales to customer service, is what separates the best from the rest. The companies that are thriving with HubSpot aren’t just focused on quick wins. They’re building long-term relationships and making decisions that truly benefit their customers. And here’s the reward for all that effort: it pays off, big time.

The Shift from Acquisition to Retention

Jonathan and I discussed how companies often pour time and money into landing new clients, but what about the ones who are already on board? If you’re not investing in those customers, you’re missing out on the biggest growth opportunity out there. It’s like trying to fill a bucket that’s leaking—you can add more water, but without fixing the leak, you’ll never get ahead.

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It’s like trying to fill a leaky bucket. You can keep pouring water in—adding new customers to the mix—but if you’re not focused on plugging the holes (keeping your current customers happy), you’ll never see the real benefits. The companies that have figured this out are the ones focusing on creating a great experience for the people who are already part of their ecosystem. They’re using HubSpot’s tools to engage, delight, and provide value consistently, long after the initial sale.

Instead of constantly hunting for new customers, they’re nurturing the ones they’ve got—building trust, deepening relationships, and ultimately increasing the lifetime value of each customer. That’s where the magic happens.

Put It Into Action

Want to take a more customer-centric approach to your growth strategy? Here are some actionable steps to get you started:

  • Map the Customer Journey: Take time to understand the full lifecycle of your customers—from when they first hear about you, to their buying journey, to post-sale engagement. Are there gaps in how you’re serving them after the sale? Are you offering consistent value?

  • Leverage HubSpot’s Feedback Tools: Use HubSpot’s customer feedback tools to regularly check in with your clients. What are they loving? What’s missing? Use that feedback to make improvements, not just in your product or service, but in how you engage with them.

  • Create Post-Sale Nurture Campaigns: Just because someone has purchased doesn’t mean your work is done. Set up post-sale nurture campaigns that continue to deliver value—whether it’s through helpful resources, product updates, or exclusive offers for existing customers.

  • Focus on Retention Metrics: Start tracking retention-focused KPIs, like customer lifetime value (CLV) or repeat purchase rates, to see how your efforts are paying off. Your retention strategy should be just as robust as your acquisition strategy.

When you put your customers first and continually invest in their success, you create a foundation for long-term growth that’s sustainable and, more importantly, meaningful.

HubSpot Tech Stack: Simplify for Maximum Impact

Let’s talk about something I know we all love—tools. We’ve all been there, right? You see a shiny new tool or platform, and you can’t wait to add it to your stack. But when Jonathan and I sat down to dive into the details of HubSpot success, one thing became crystal clear: less is more. The best HubSpot users out there aren’t trying to collect every tool under the sun. They’re laser-focused on getting the most out of a few key tools that actually make a difference. It’s not about how many tools you’ve got—it’s about how effectively you use them.

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I’ve seen it firsthand—when your tech stack is overloaded, things start to break down. You’ve got duplicate data, manual processes, and constant firefighting just to keep things working smoothly. Sound familiar? Well, the companies who are really excelling right now have figured out that efficiency is all about streamlining. They’re using HubSpot as the core of their operations, integrating only the tools that add real value—tools that make life easier, not more complicated.

Why Simplicity Is the Secret Sauce

When your tech stack gets too complex, things fall apart. Data gets trapped in silos, teams get frustrated, and suddenly you’re spending more time fixing issues than actually driving results. Jonathan and I couldn’t agree more—keeping things simple is the way forward. The top HubSpot users? They’re focusing on leveraging just a few of HubSpot’s Hubs—whether it’s Marketing, Sales, Service, or Operations Hub—and using them in a way that creates smooth workflows across departments. When you’ve got your systems talking to each other seamlessly, that’s when the magic happens.

Your tech stack shouldn’t feel like some Frankenstein monster that needs constant attention. It should work like a finely tuned engine—reliable, efficient, and built for the long haul. The simpler your stack, the easier it is to scale. And when you’re not buried under too many tools, you can focus on what really matters: delivering a better experience to your customers.

Put It Into Action

So, how do you cut through the noise and build a tech stack that actually works for you? The companies that are mastering HubSpot aren’t using 20 different integrations—they’re sticking to what works and maximizing the core Hubs. It’s about efficiency, not quantity.

Operations Hub, for example, is a game-changer when it comes to automating data flows and keeping everything in sync. Marketing Hub is your go-to for inbound strategies that actually convert. Sales Hub keeps your team focused and on track, and Service Hub makes sure your customers are engaged long after the sale. It’s all about using the right tools in the right way.

  • Audit Your Current Tools: Make a list of all the tools you’re currently using and ask yourself—do I really need all of these? Are there tools that are duplicating efforts or causing more confusion than clarity? If yes, it’s time to consolidate.

  • Leverage HubSpot’s Native Tools: Before adding another integration, check if HubSpot already has a native tool or feature that can accomplish the same task. For example, instead of using a third-party email automation tool, maximize the capabilities of HubSpot’s workflows and email features.

  • Automate Data Syncs with Operations Hub: Use Operations Hub to automate your data flows between different Hubs, and ensure that your CRM stays clean and up to date. You’d be surprised how much time you can save by cutting out manual data entry and ensuring your tools are talking to each other in real-time.

  • Keep it Simple, Scalable, and Focused: When deciding on new tools or integrations, always ask yourself—does this help me scale? Does it simplify my process? If the answer isn’t “yes,” you probably don’t need it.

By focusing on simplicity, you can create a tech stack that works for you, not against you. And trust me, when you eliminate the unnecessary noise, everything becomes easier to manage, scale, and improve.

Wrapping It All Up: HubSpot Success in 2024 + Beyond

Take a second and really think about where you are right now with HubSpot and your overall strategy. Everything we’ve covered—from activating data to keeping things simple with your tech stack, to the power of AI and the importance of customer retention—is designed to help you take things to the next level. But the real key here isn’t just knowing these strategies—it’s putting them into action.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from talking with the top HubSpot users, it’s that success doesn’t come from chasing every trend or adding more tools just for the sake of it. It comes from focusing on what truly matters: your customers, your data, and how you can use the right tools to drive sustainable growth. It’s about being intentional with every step you take and ensuring that every move is tied to your bigger goals.

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The best part? You don’t have to do it all at once. Start small. Pick one area—whether it’s activating your data, simplifying your tech stack, or leveraging AI—and dive in. Build momentum, see what works, and then expand from there. The power of HubSpot lies not in the sheer number of tools it offers, but in how effectively you use them to align with your strategy.

So here’s my challenge to you: take what we’ve discussed and start making moves. Optimize your workflows, get closer to your customers, and use the tools at your disposal to build something that lasts. The companies that are winning right now are the ones that understand the value of clarity and focus, not complexity and noise. Remember, HubSpot is there to help you scale, but you’re the one in the driver’s seat. You’ve got the knowledge, you’ve got the tools—now go out and use them to create something that matters.